Travel Information

Travel Information

Getting Bus Station Ktel Chalkidikis from Airport Macedonia (Thessaloniki): You should take the bus O.A.S.TH. number 79 from Airport Macedonia and you will get off at the Bus Stop Emporiko Kedro IKEA. From Emporiko Kedro IKEA you should take the bus O.A.S.TH. number 36 and you will get off at the Bus Station Ktel Chalkidikis.

From Rail Station Thessalonikis: You should take the bus O.A.S.TH. number 45 from Railway Station Thessaloniki and you will get off at the Bus Station Ktel Chalkidikis.

From Bus Station KTEL MACEDONIA: You should take the bus O.A.S.TH. number 45 from Bus Station KTEL MACEDONIA and you will get off at the Bus Station Ktel Chalkidikis.

Timetable for bus (price €14.20): http://www.ktel-chalkidikis.gr

Thessaloniki - Agia Paraskevi (every day) Departure from Thessaloniki Bus Station: 10:00, 13:00, 19:00

Agia Paraskevi - Thessaloniki (every day) Departure from Agia Paraskevi Bus Station: 07:00, 13:00, 17:30 (Sunday we have no bus at 7:00 from Agia Paraskevi!)