Session "Parallel Computer Algebra" ACA 2010 Vlora Albania

Applications of Computer Algebra 2010


June 24-27, 2010, Vlora, Albania

Session title

Parallel Computer Algebra

The aim of the session is to provide a forum for developers of  methods, algorithms and software
in the field of Parallel Computer Algebra.  

Last two sessions of Parallel Computer Algebra were at ACA 2006 in Varna and ACA 2008 in Linz.

The session topics

The session topics include but not restricted to:
  •   reinvention and adaptation of existing symbolic algorithms to a parallel setting 
  •   computer algebra systems specifically designed to exploit and operate in multiprocessor environment 
  •   parallel methods for solving systems of differential equations
  •   parallel methods for Groebner basis computations 
  •   parallel algorithms for solving linear and polynomial systems
  •   applications of parallel computer algebra 


 If you are interested in participation, please send your name, email and approximate title to one of session organizers  as soon as you make your decision but not later than:  

Submission of talk title - April 15, 2010

Submission of abstract - May 15, 2010.

Session organizers:
Gennadi Malaschonok
Laboratory for algebraic computations
Tambov State University
 Internatsionalnaya, 33, 
392622 Tambov, Russia  
E-mail: malaschonok@gmail.com
Stephen Watt
Computer Science Department , MC 375
The University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario CANADA N6A 5B7