Oxana Pereslavtseva

Office location: Komsomolskaya pl., 5, room, 410. Laboratory of Algebraic Computations
Phone: +7(915)672-4521 (mob)

E-mail: oxana.pereslavtseva@gmail.com.

Docent at the Tambov State University, Department of Functional Analysis.

Area of interests:
Computer algebra, parallel algorithms.

2001: M.S. in Mathematics, Tambov State University named after G.R.Derzhavin,
Qualification: Mathematician. Thesis: Study of bifurcation cubic curves
2013: Candidate of physical-mathematical science (Ph. D.), Moscow State University.
Thesis: Computation of the characteristic polynomial of a dense matrix: sequential and parallel algorithms.

Recent Research Grants:

  1. Web service for a supercomputer numerical-symbolic computation in ATeX. Russian Foundation of Basic Research, 12-07-00755-а, 2012-2014. 
  2. IBM Country Project. «Cloudy computations for scale symbolical-numerical calculations» (№09-11-700, 11.02.2011). 
  3. Parallel algorithms of computer algebra. Ministry of Education, AVCP.2.1.1/ 10437, 2009-2011. 
  4. Program package for symbolic solving differential equations systems. Russian Foundation of Basic Research, 08-07-97507, 2008. 
  5. Parallel computer algebra. Russian Foundation of Basic Research, 04-07-90268в (2004-2006).


1. Pereslavtseva O.N. Parallel algorithm for computing the characteristic polynomial and its time complexity // Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences, 2014. V. 19. Issue. 2. P. 530-538. (in Russian)
2. Parallel programming in OpenMPI Java with Applications in Math Partner : Course Book : in 3 Parts. Part 1 / G.I. Malaschonok, О.N. Pereslavtseva, М.А. Rybakov; Ministry of Education and Science of RF, FSBEI HPE «Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin». Tambov: the Publishing House of TSU named after G.R. Derzhavin, 2014. (in Russian)
3. Pereslavtseva O.N., Bobkov O.O. Randomized algorithm for the characteristic poynomial. Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences. V. 18, Issue 4, 2013. P. 1195-1197. (in Russian)
4. Malashonok G.I., Pereslavtseva O.N., Ivashov D.S. The parallel symbolic computation in the Tambov State University // VI International Conference "Cloud computing. Education. Research. Development", 2013. (in Russian)
5. Pereslavtseva O.N. Parallel algorithm for computing the characteristic polynomials and experiments . International conference Polynomial Computer Algebra. St.Petersburg, PDMI RAS, 2013.
6. Pereslavtseva O.N. Parallel algorithm for computing characteristic polynomials of polynomial matrices. International conference Polynomial Computer Algebra. St.Petersburg, PDMI RAS, 2012. P. 67-69.
7. Pereslavtseva O.N. Parallel algorithm for computing of characteristic polynomials of polynomial matrices. Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences. V. 17, Issue 2, 2012. P. 588-590. (in Russian).
8. Pereslavtseva O.N. Parallel algorithm for computing characteristic polynomials of polynomial matrices and experiments. International conference Polynomial Computer Algebra. St.Petersburg, PDMI RAS, 2011. P. 105-108.
9. O. N. Pereslavtseva, Calculation of the characteristic polynomial of a matrix. Discrete Mathematics and Applications. Volume 21, Issue 1, 2011. Pages 109–129.
10. Pereslavtseva O. N. Parallel algorithms which are based on the method of homomorphic images for computing the characteristic polynomials. Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences. V. 15. Issue 4, 2010. P. 1413-1425.
11. Pereslavtseva O.N. Experiments with a parallel algorithm for calculation of the characteristic polynomial for polynomials matrixes. Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences. V. 15. Issue 1, 2010. P. 346-349. (in Russian).
12. Malaschonok G.I., Starov M.V., Betin A.A., Pereslavtseva O.N., Pozdnikin A.G. Parallel Computer Algebra: Study Guide: in 3 parts. P 1. Tambov: The Publishing House of TSU named G.R. Derzhavin, 2009. ( in Russian)
13. Pereslavtseva O.N. Computation of a characteristic polynomial for polynomial matrices. Tambov University Reports. Natural and Technical Sciences. V. 14, part. 1, 2009. P. 274-277. ( in Russian)
14. Pereslavtseva O.N. Computation of characteristic polynomials of matrices over polynomial ring. International conference Polynomial Computer Algebra. St.Petersburg, PDMI RAS, 2009, С. 35-39. ( in Russian)
15. Pereslavtseva O.N. Computation of characteristic polynomials of matrices: sequential and parallel algorithms. Mathematical Modeling and Computation Physics (MMCP'2009): Book of Abstracts of the International Conference (Dubna, July 7-11, 2009). - Dubna: JINR, 2009. P. 130-131. (in Russian)
16. Pereslavtseva O.N. Parallel calculation of a characteristic polynomial of a matrix. Parallel computing technologies (PaVT ' 2009): Works of the international scientific conference (Nizhni Novgorod, on March, 30th - on April, 3rd, 2009). Chelyabinsk: Publishing house JuUrGu, 2009. P. 817-821. (in Russian) http://omega.sp.susu.ac.ru/books/conference/PaVT2009/papers/Posters/021.pdf
17. Pereslavtseva O.N. Parallezation of algorithms by means of Chinese remainder theorem. Tambov University Reports. Natural and Technical Sciences. V. 14, part. 4, 2009. P. 779-781. (in Russian)
18. Pereslavtseva O.N. On the algorithms of calculation of a characteristic polynomial coefficients for matrix over the integers numbers. The international scientific conference "Modern mathematical education and problems of history and mathematics methodology". Tambov. 2008. P. 196-198. (in Russian)
19. Pereslavtseva O.N. On the calculation of coefficients of a characteristic polynomial. Computing methods and programming. 2008. Т.9. P. 366-370. (in Russian)
20. Pereslavtseva O.N. Computation of a characteristic polynomial of a matrix in the ring of integer numbers. International conference Polynomial Computer Algebra. St. Petersburg, PDMI RAS, 2008. P. 57-61. (in Russian)
21. Pereslavtseva O.N. Method for computing of matrix characteristic polynomial. Tambov University Reports. Natural and Technical Sciences. V. 13, part. 1, 2008. P. 131-133. (in Russian)
22. Pereslavtseva O.N. On evaluation of characteristic polynomial coefficients. Tambov University Reports. Natural and Technical Sciences. V. 13, part. 1, 2008. P. 124-126. (in Russian)
23. Pereslavtseva O. N. Computing experiments with algorithms of calculation of matrix characteristic polynoms. Tambov University Reports. A series: Natural and Technical Sciences. V. 12, part. 1, 2007. P. 126-128. (in Russian)
24. Pereslavtseva O.N. History and modern status of theory of computation characteristic polynomial. // Modern math eductaion and problems of history and methodology if science. Tambov: Perhin's R.V. publishing house, 2006. (in Russian)
25. Pereslavtseva O.N. Estimation the number of bit multiplications in algorithms of computation of determinant, a characteristic polynomial and adjoint matrix. XI Derzhavinskie chtenia. TSU of G.R.Derzhavin.Tambov, September 3, 2006. (in Russian)