Andrey Betin

Phone: +7(920)478-3124 (mob)

E-mail: andrey_betin@mail.ru

A. Betin


 Area of interests:
 computer algebra, parallel algorithms.

 M.S. in Mathematics, Tambov State University named after G.R.Derzhavin, 2005
 Qualification: Mathematician
 Thesis: The calculation of the complex roots of polynomials.

 Recent Research Grants:

  • IBM Country Project. Cloudy computations for scale symbolical-numerical  calculations.(№09-11-700, 11.02.2011).
  • Ministry of Education, AVCP 2.1.1/10437 (2011).
  • Ministry of Education, AVCP 2.1.1/1853 (2009-2010).
  • Russian Foundation of Basic Research, 08-07-97507a (2008).
